Contributed by Dr.George
- "Know your drugs by their peculiarities just as you recognize your fiends not by the number of limbs but by their idiosyncrasies." (Dr. Margaret Tyler).
- Type and temperament do not rule out a remedy if other indications correspond. If present, however, they are a valuable confirmation.
- Do not think that remedies particularly adapted to women are never indicated in the male sex. Sepia, for example, is frequently called for in men.
- Never prescribe on one symptom alone but on the whole symptom-complex, remembering always that symptoms have a relative value. "Generals" and "mentals" rank first, then "peculiars" and finally "particulars". "Generals" are symptoms which the patient refers to his "ego", while "particulars" are referred to his complaint; e.g. , "I feel worse in winter" is a general, but "My rheumatism is worse in cold weather" is a particular. "Particulars" are invariably emphasized by the patient.
- As a rule unless symptoms are well marked they may be discarded.
- Objective signs are usually of lower value than subjective symptoms except, perhaps, in straightforward acute diseases.
- During the treatment of chronic cases old and often forgotten symptoms may make a temporary reappearance. These are not to be regarded as indications for a change of drug. When general improvement is being maintained minor incidental aches and pains may be ignored. Troublesome symptoms, however, sometimes call for an intercurrent remedy in a low potency.
- Symptoms generally disappear curatively in the reverse order of their appearance.
- It is seldom advisable to use a chronic remedy during the course of an acute ailment - choose the corresponding acute drug.
- Golden rule. When definite improvement sets in discontinue the administration of the remedy and do not repeat until the patient fails to show further reaction to the dose.
- Continue with the same potency as long as it gives a reaction.
- If the remedy be well chosen do not be in a hurry to change. In cases of apparent failure first try another potency (higher or lower) of the same drug.
- When in doubt as to the advisability of repeating or changing - wait!
- High potencies often cause a preliminary aggravation.
- Low potencies 6c. chiefly used in acute conditions and in frequent doses.
- Medium potencies. 12 to 30. useful at the beginning of either acute or chronic cases, and especially when deep, organic changes are suspected.
- High potencies. 200 up. Mostly used in chronic conditions and in infrequent doses.
Reference:CLARKE A. Gladstone-Decachords
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