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Thursday, August 30, 2012

A case study of anemia and homeopathic treatment

Contributed By Dr.Saji
A lady aged 37yrs  presented with  generalized Weakness and Difficulty in doing her daily works. - 3 months duration .She says she was 'generally weak' but the condition worsened in the last 2-3 months. Consulted an allopathic doctor who prescribed some iron tablets which she says 'gave nothing but nausea'. He referred the case to MCH and they ruled out DM, UTI and Hepatitis. Fibroid uterus was detected on USG. They too prescribed Iron supplements but her HB % remained under 9 even after intake of the tablets for 1 month. she had a H/O Endometriosis ;FH : Paternal : CAD,    Maternal : DM .
Lab report, anemia, before treatment

Husband is a salesman in a textile shop and hasTwo children
Generals : Appetite : Easy satiety. Aversion to cold drinks. Constipated occassionally Regionals : Palpitation < emotional excitement, anger. Panting < exertion, ascending. Physical constitution : 150 Cm height, 45 Kg wt. Lab Investigation : Before prescription 07/12/11. Hb : 7.5 gm% Urine M/E : Bacteria present.

What we are trying to prove is that you will reach the similimum with your own rubrics - if the rubrics taken are correct without assumption

But, we should look for the best combination of rubrics which will lead us to the similimum with less effort - quickly
 First of all consider the characteristic rubrics in this case. ( Those rubrics with moderate number of medicines ) ( One only from a region. )
1. Generals, Weakness, anemia in ( 22 medicines )
2. Generals, Food and drinks, cold drinks aversion (43)
3. Heart and circulation, palpitation, anger.(21)

These 3 when repertorised gives us two medicines which covers all the three.

1. Nat-m 
2. PHOS 

Then list all the remaining rubrics in the case and look for the presence of these two medicines under them.

1. Panting < ascending(4) : PHOS(1)
2. Palpitation, anemia from (16) : PHOS(1)
3. Palpitation < excitement(222) : Nat-m(3),PHOS(3)
4. Endometriosis (Murphy - 45): Nat-m(1), PHOS(1)
5. Anemia,iron deficiency from(131):Nat-m(3),PHOS(3)
6. Easy satiety (140) : Nat-m(2),PHOS(2)

Yes!! The Medicine was PHOSPHORUS
The potency selected was CM...Single dose was given ( One pill in sugar of milk - diluted in 2 ounces of water - one teaspoon taken ) No repetition was made till date.

And the medicine improved the Hb% without direct dietary iron. 
Lab report, after treatment

1 comment:

  1. A good case and fine result. A good case analysis and repertorisation...

