In 2002 the BBC Horizon program presented a documentary that showed
that the Benveniste experiment about homeopathy was a fake one and
therefore... homeopathy was also fake! https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2512105.stm
Mr.Vithoulkas had repeatedly stressed in many communications that the
experiment was in any case a falsely conceived one from its very
beginning (see the correspondence). The opponents of homeopathy basing
in this false experiment by Benveniste their hypocritical arguments
maintained that homeopathy was simply placebo effect.
Mr Randi after this false experiment (ignoring all other experiments
that showed the effect of homeopathy) declared in his website (https://www.randi.org/)
that whoever could prove the validity of the action of a
homeopathically potentized remedy beyond the Avogadro number would be
winning one million $ as a prize.
Mr Vithoulkas challenged this statement and with this idea a new
experiment was conceived that would prove that the highly potentized
remedies could actually have a biological effect upon the human
The experiment was simple: An individualized remedy would be given to a
number of patients in a double blind fashion and half of the patients
would receive placebo the other half would get the real remedy. The
Greek Homeopathic physicians that would participate in taking of the
cases and prescribing the remedies should point out in the end of the
experiment the ones that they had got the real remedy.
The protocol was structured by a group of internationally known
scientists and the experiment had to take place in one of the hospitals
in Athens.
What follows is the real story (with facts in correspondence that
transpired) of how through several "tricks", Mr.Randi refused to go
through the experiment and rescued his million.
We sent the following statement to Mr. Randi in order to be posted to his website but he refused to post it.
This is a retraction statement against the erroneous piece of
information published on JREF (James Randi Educational Foundation)
website https://www.randi.org/ , concerning the supposedly "withdrawal of Homeopaths"
from a experiment (agreed upon between JREF and the Greek homeopathic
team of medical doctors) that was devised in order to prove that there
is a biological effect on human organism from the ultra high dilutions
of homeopathic remedies, beyond the Avogadro number.
- The group of homeopaths led by Prof. George Vithoulkas contracted an
agreement with JREF on 2003, with the objective of matching a
``challenge'' posed by JREF, in order to carry out a scientific
experiment that proves that the human organism responds to homeopathic
ultra dilutions, and claim the 1 million USD challenge prize offered by
- On 2003, a team of ``skeptics'' was set up, to represent the JREF
side in the scientific experiment that would follow. The group of
skeptics and the group of homeopaths led by Prof. George Vithoulkas have
been conducting preparatory work continuously since then.
- A protocol was drawn up with the title: “Do homeopathic remedies have a recognizable biological effect on the human organism?”
- The venue for the experiment was to be a Greek hospital. Eventually,
after several contacts with several hospitals, the municipality hospital
"ELPIS" in Athens, Greece had agreed to host the experiment. The
pharmacist that would provide the homeopathic remedies for the
experiment -Mr. Korres Pharmacy-, was also found and the agreement was
finalized on 12.10.2005. At that time Ms. Althea Katz, representative of
Mr. Alec Gindis (he was one of the representatives of Mr. Randi)
visited the Greek municipality hospital in Athens and discussed all the
details about the experiment exhaustively.
- In 26.10.2005, Mr. Alec Gindis informed Prof. Vithoulkas by e-mail
that the finances for the experiment were not yet raised and therefore
the experiment could not start in spite of the fact that everything else
was ready.
- In 17.8.2006, we received a signed agreement from Mr. Randi in which
he stated that he was satisfied with the suggested protocol and he
waived the claim of a preliminary test.
- As we waited for the finances to be raised, in order to start with
the experiment, in 2.2.2006, we were informed that Mr. Randi had a
health problem. When Mr. Gindis asked him to assign a representative in
order to deal with all the procedures for the starting of the
experiment, Mr. Randi refused to do so. As a result of his refusal the
experiment was delayed so much until a new Mayor was elected in Athens
who replaced the authorities of the ELPIS hospital, something that we
had anticipated and repeatedly stressed to the “sceptics” long ago. The
new Mayor Dr. Kaklamanis, a conventional medical doctor was indifferent
if not hostile to the project. We had repeatedly warned the “sceptics”
that if the experiment did not start the latest in the beginning of
2006, the new Mayor will change the key persons in the hospital -the
president of the hospital and also the chairman of the scientific
committee- and the new people most probably would not respect the
decision of the previous scientific committee.
At this crucial time in the beginning of 2006 that the experiment had
to start, Mr. Randi declared that he was sick and that his
rehabilitation was ...going to last from the beginning of February till
July! But this was the crucial period that the experiment should have
started in order not to be affected by the new authorities of the
It is characteristic of the urgency from the exchange of e-mails and
more especially the e-mail Mr. Gindis wrote to Mr. Randi: “I want to
underline, though, that your participation is critical… As you can
imagine, the homeopaths are very concerned about your health. In their
eyes you “failed” them by getting sick right when they just about put it
all together”.
In 7.4.2006 Mr. Gindis wrote to Mr. Randi in order to signal to him that the homeopathic team was ready to start: “All
in all, I am impressed that he (Prof. Vithoulkas) managed to put
together such a team, find a sponsoring hospital and find a way to
recruit patients with advertising efforts and costs carried by the
hospital and participating homeopaths”. But instead Randi suspended all activities of the experiment attributing it to his supposedly state of health!
Mr. Randi knew very well that this period was crucial
for us to start the experiment and we had made this urgency explicit by
sending several e-mails urging them that it was necessary to go ahead
immediately. But Mr. Randi needed ...six months "to recover" denying to
assign a collaborator. As expected, in Autumn of 2006 a new Mayor Dr.
Kaklamanis M.D. was elected in Athens.
For us, all this extended period of recovery was obviously an excuse for not starting the experiment.
After the election of the new Mayor, a new chairman for the scientific
committee and a new president of the hospital were installed.
Immediately we started pressing them to respect the decision of the previous scientific committee or to decide -in a new meeting- in favour of the experiment.
The interesting thing was that on 16.5.2008, Mr. Randi -thinking most
probably that we could never succeed in getting a second permission-
suddenly became very gallant and wrote: “In any case, it may not be
necessary for me to actually be present in person for these tests. I am
prepared to assign security and protocol duties to Alec Gindis and to
Mr. Gabor, so they can act in my behalf”. But in the mean time and
as early as March 2008 was already putting up in his website a text
claiming that the "Greek homeopaths have withdrawn from the experiment
...as expected"!!
The important question is: why Mr. Randi delayed the starting of the
experiment by the moment everything was in place in 2006, claiming that
he...would be recovering for six months and that nobody else could
replace him, while the next time, when he thought that we could never
succeed in obtaining a second permission from the ELPIS hospital, he
became so gallant as to assign a collaborator?!!
He was so sure that we will not succeed in getting a second permission
from the hospital that in 16.5.2008 Mr. Randi sent us a... notarized statement saying:
“I intend to go through with the proposed test of the claims of
homeopathy, as previously discussed in exchanges between George
Vithoulkas and myself. This stance has not changed, and it will not
change”. !!! See his new statement later on (17.10.2008) when he knew already that we had the permission!!
- In the end of July of 2008, after a lot of efforts, we
obtained for a second time the permission to conduct the proposed
homeopathic experiment at the ELPIS hospital.
- On 2nd and 3rd September of 2008, there was a
final meeting in the International Academy of Classical homeopathy in
Alonissos to discuss last details of the experiment. In the meeting were
present the representative of Randi, Mr. Hrasko Gabor, Ms Althea Katz
(representative of Mr. Alec Gindis), Dr. Menachem Oberbaum, principal
investigator of the experiment and Prof. George Vithoulkas. They
discussed for two days all the details about the experiment and the
discussion was taped officially and also some of it videoed by a
professional camera man from Israel.
In the document was stated that a major test of homeopathy in Greece has met the expected fate, being abandoned by the homeopathy community!!!!
This information infuriated the group of homeopaths led by Prof. George
Vithoulkas and a lot of damage was caused to him as was accused for
been associated with such unreliable people.
But the most outrageous event happened on 17.10.2008, when we actually received an "ultimatum" from Mr. Randi by which he was changing all the previous agreements refusing to go ahead with the experiment as planned.
Here is what he wrote:
“…Forget all previous correspondence exchanged on the subject.
…What appears here is the current status. …First, we require that George
Vithoulkas submit a regular, properly-filled-out application and submit
it –just as we require everyone to do. After that has been received,
we’ll go ahead– as with any regular applicant- with the arrangements,
including the requirement for the preliminary stage”.
Here you can see his whole statement with some remarks from us in red:
To All Concerned:
The brouhaha that began as a
comprehensive homeopathy test In Greece, has been consuming far too much
of my time and attention, and of my colleagues, as well. Forget all
previous correspondence exchanged on the subject. What appears HERE is the current status. Mr.
Randi asked from us to forget all previous correspondence after we
discovered the false, slanderous and deceptive posting at his website
JREF with the title: “Another Withdrawal”.
We’re starting anew.
Bear in mind that WE are offering the million-dollar prize, and WE will
control the parameters, in line with the rules of the challenge – which
are available to everyone. There will be no more exceptions, which I
had – unwisely – granted to certain persons in order to be more
accommodating; they have always chosen to be difficult, capricious, and
arrogant as a result of this courtesy. No more.
First, we require that George Vithoulkas
submit a regular, properly-filled-out application, and submit it – just
as we require EVERYONE to do. After that has been received, we’ll go
ahead – as with any regular applicant – with the arrangements, including
the requirement for the preliminary stage. Mr.
Randi changed the terms of agreement when he saw that everything was
ready for starting the experiment. While his representatives were
discussing with Prof. George Vithoulkas in Alonissos (September 2008),
he was publicizing to his website that the Greek homeopaths had
withdrawn!!! Since I’m not
personally handling the challenge applications, I’m not aware of how
many places George Vithoulkas has tried for a venue, but I know that his
own country turned him down, as well as some others. Second, we’ll
require that Mr. Vithoulkas obtain a venue and all the necessary
facilities for conducting a double-blind, correct, acceptable protocol,
before we will go ahead – following the receipt of the application.
Mr. Randi pretends that he ignores the
fact that we had already the permission and the facilities for a second
time though we had informed the “skeptics”.
The protocol used by the Royal
Society/BBC tests in the UK – based on Jacques Benveniste’s design, and
carefully supervised by the homeopathic community there – would be
acceptable for this set of tests.
Mr. Randi wants to change even the terms of protocol that took years to be contracted!!
Don’t contact me personally on this
matter. I’ll not entertain any arguments or pleas. It will be handled by
Alison Smith, working with others on our staff.
Actually Mr. Randi is dismissing his previous collaborators, Mr. Alec Gindis and Mr. Hrasko Gabor!!!
These 300 words constitute my entire commentary on the matter.
James Randi.
It was clear now for a second time that when everything was in place in
order to start the experiment, Mr. Randi didn’t wish to go ahead and
found ridiculous excuses for withdrawing.
Consequently, as a least compensation, for the moral damage
caused to Greek homeopaths and to the homeopathic community in general,
we demand:
1. The apologies from Mr. Randi personally posted at his website.
2. The retraction of the text “Another Withdrawal” from all sites.
3. This document to be posted in the same place in the website of JREF where the "withdrawal statement" was posted.
4. A legal, notarized statement retracting the last statement of
17.10.2008 that has cancelled all Mr. Randi’s previous commitments.
If Mr. Randi fulfils all these conditions we will continue as planned. If these conditions are not fulfilled within a month, we will consider that Mr. Randi has withdrawn from the experiment.
In any case, we will go ahead and complete the experiment without Mr.
Randi, only with the help of sceptics Mr. Alec Gindis and Mr Hrasko
Gabor who really care in seen this experiment finally completed.
source: https://www.vithoulkas.com/clinical-trial-randi
source: https://www.vithoulkas.com/clinical-trial-randi
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